Essential support to help your child build new skills and achieve developmental goals.
Occupational therapy
Our therapists help your child develop the skills and confidence they need for day-to-day life.
Speech therapy
We look at your child’s speech, language, and communication skills for better academic, social, and emotional outcomes.
Applied behaviour analysis
We use positive reinforcement to teach new skills and develop behaviour in a structured way. We also address learning disabilities that present alongside intellectual disability.
Physical therapy
We help your child improve their physical abilities and movement skills through exercises and engaging activities.
Positive behaviour therapy
We help your child to develop encouraged behaviours and new skills through play and relationship-building models.
Our psychologists help your child understand and manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviour amidst challenges from intellectual disability. Assist with strategies to navigate weaknesses and use relative strengths, assist with learning difficulties and review supports.
Social work and counselling
Our social workers and counsellors help your child and family build strategies to overcome disability challenges and connect with additional support and advocacy.