Kinder visits

Early Start Australia works closely with kindies and children in kinder settings, to ensure preschool aged children have access to early supports if they are experiencing developmental delays.

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It’s important that therapy is made available to young children in naturalistic settings, which is why we will happily visit children where they attend kindy or kinder

Early Start Australia health professionals and therapy support team members can provide one-on-one therapy to children, facilitate therapy groups, and work directly with educators and early childhood teachers in these settings.

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benefits of group lego for children

How we can help

  • School readiness screening
  • Educator capacity building, coaching and training
  • Environmental assessments
  • Therapy groups
  • Individual therapy support and early childhood intervention

Find a clinic near you

We have clinics in every state and territory providing assessments, early childhood intervention therapies, and support to help you thrive.

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The Early Start Australia promise

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Holistic care and treatment plans

Our multi-disciplinary team works together with you to understand your child’s needs. From there, we’ll develop a plan with evidence-based strategies. Work with us to achieve your goals and enjoy a better quality of life.

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Australia-wide reach

With clinics in every state and territory, and an experienced team of therapists. Find help when you need it, where you need it.

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Registered NDIS provider

We are a registered NDIS provider and are here to help you on your NDIS journey. We provide quality and safe services, follow NDIS requirements, and support your needs and goals.

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Early intervention at all stages

Early intervention is not just for young children. We offer therapies that cater to all ages, needs and abilities, and we know the sooner you start your therapy journey, the better your outcomes. With us, you can learn new skills and enjoy more freedom and control in your life.