Art therapy: a different way to look at therapy

Art therapy takes an art-based approach when talking-based therapy isn’t enough or right for some people.

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Take a more creative approach to express, connect, and explore in the therapeutic journey towards better wellbeing

Sometimes, talking-based therapy doesn’t suit the person.

Art therapy uses artistic methods to tap into a person’s creativity, allowing them to express themselves and work through difficult feelings and experiences.

It’s a holistic approach to wellbeing that gives people an opportunity to build life and social skills, self-expression, and provides a safe environment for behaviours of concern to be explored.

Being art-based, it recognises and affirms sensory or cognitive needs that a purely talking-based intervention may not meet.

While this therapy uses artistic materials and methods, you don’t need to have a talent for art!

It’s not about making art pieces, it’s about creating a pathway to a better life.

To learn more about our art therapy services or to book an appointment, contact your nearest Early Start Australia clinic.

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Art therapy is a therapeutic intervention that uses creative methods and materials to express, connect, explore, and support clients in their journey towards greater wellbeing.

It is a process that utilises clients’ creativity alongside a robust therapist/client relationship to safely engage with difficult feelings and experiences.

Art therapy takes a holistic approach to clients’ wellbeing.

It is a non-pathologising, supportive process that offers many of the same interventions as other mental health professionals, such as psychologists and psychotherapists.

Absolutely not!

Technical art skills and familiarity with art materials is not a requirement of engaging with art therapy.

In fact, we often find that having less experience with art materials can encourage an even deeper engagement with the sensory and experimental elements of creating.

Art therapy can support the emotional, social, psychological, and sensory wellbeing of clients.

Art therapy can address struggles with anxiety, depression, grief, overwhelm, social skills, trauma, identity, and much more.

Art therapy provides a safe space to explore and express. It can be fun and relaxing as well – art therapy caters to the needs of the individual.

An art therapy session may involve the use of paint, pencils, clay, collage, sand tray, natural materials, slime, board games, and other craft activities.

Movement, music and dramatic methods may also be used within a session.

Art therapy can benefit anyone.

At ESA, we specialise in working with school-aged children and teenagers.

Your first art therapy session will be relaxed and feel casual, the aim is just to get to know each other and get comfortable in the space.

Your therapist will introduce themselves and talk a little about what you might expect if you continue to work with them, as well as briefly discussing their confidentiality policy.

They will let you know some fun facts about them and ask you about yourself.

Your hobbies, favourite things, family, pets, and so on will likely be discussed!

Art materials will be available during the session and your therapist might invite you to have a play with whatever is on the table.

You are always welcome to refuse anything that is offered, and it will not be expected that you create any art if you don’t want to.

Anything you do make can be taken home, or left at the clinic in a private cupboard where others cannot access it.

Some NDIS plans cover engagement with art therapy.

It’s best to check with your provider if they cover art therapy.

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We have clinics in every state and territory providing assessments, early childhood intervention therapies, and support to help you thrive.

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The Early Start Australia promise

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Holistic care and treatment plans

Our multi-disciplinary team works together with you to understand your child’s needs. From there, we’ll develop a plan with evidence-based strategies. Work with us to achieve your goals and enjoy a better quality of life.

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Australia-wide reach

With clinics in every state and territory, and an experienced team of therapists. Find help when you need it, where you need it.

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Registered NDIS provider

We are a registered NDIS provider and are here to help you on your NDIS journey. We provide quality and safe services, follow NDIS requirements, and support your needs and goals.

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Early intervention at all stages

Early intervention is not just for young children. We offer therapies that cater to all ages, needs and abilities, and we know the sooner you start your therapy journey, the better your outcomes. With us, you can learn new skills and enjoy more freedom and control in your life.