Parents and caregivers

Support for parents and caregivers to encourage their involvement in therapy and provide effective strategies for their participation.

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Parental and caregiver involvement in therapy is an important part of the process for achieving the best outcomes.

When working with children and adolescents we use a family centred model, supporting caregivers and children to develop skills, knowledge and understanding as we all work together.

An important part of our therapy service, especially during the early intervention, is spending time with caregivers with training in new ways to support the child.

Parents and caregivers are the most important and constant people in a child’s life, so we want to equip and empower caregivers to understand the challenges their child might be experiencing and to learn how to confidently engage with, play with, and teach their child to develop skills.

Parent and caregiver support can be provided through one-on-one therapy sessions or through specific group therapy programs and parent education sessions.

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Parent learning

We specialise in groups for parents when it is necessary for you to be taught the specifics of certain skill acquisition programs for your child.

These are one-off short programs, two and three hours in duration.

  • Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
  • Behaviour support and instruction
  • Eloping
  • Sleep problems
  • Eating issues
  • Toilet training programs

Schools and agencies can be hesitant about their role in teaching these skills, but professionals and families know that it is important to address the safety and relationship issues that their children are struggling with.

Topics include:

Teaching what healthy relationships look like

For example:

  • Some children don’t know how to “hang out” with their friends and/or don’t have many friends
  • They are old for play dates
  • Relationships outside of school are difficult for them
  • Getting together in groups requires planning
  • Mixed messages and white lies

How to interpret mixed messages

People do not always mean what they say.

This program addresses how you can teach your child about and how to interpret mixed messages.

  • Ask a girl out…she is always busy…
  • Will you go to the prom with me? ‘I’ll think about it’


This program teaches you as a parent how to teach your child about different boundary scenarios such as:

  • Personal space, physical boundaries, public and private
  • Touching, emotional and informational boundaries
  • Relationship and sexual boundaries
  • Touching rules

Program delivery varies between clinics so check with your local clinic about their programs.

To find out more about parent learning programs available near you contact us today.

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We have clinics in every state and territory providing assessments, early childhood intervention therapies, and support to help you thrive.

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The Early Start Australia promise

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Holistic care and treatment plans

Our multi-disciplinary team works together with you to understand your child’s needs. From there, we’ll develop a plan with evidence-based strategies. Work with us to achieve your goals and enjoy a better quality of life.

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Australia-wide reach

With clinics in every state and territory, and an experienced team of therapists. Find help when you need it, where you need it.

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Registered NDIS provider

We are a registered NDIS provider and are here to help you on your NDIS journey. We provide quality and safe services, follow NDIS requirements, and support your needs and goals.

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Early intervention at all stages

Early intervention is not just for young children. We offer therapies that cater to all ages, needs and abilities, and we know the sooner you start your therapy journey, the better your outcomes. With us, you can learn new skills and enjoy more freedom and control in your life.